Often times, I reminisce about the good ‘ole days!
I remember when I played athletic sports, seeing how proud my parents where when I graduated from college, and the great times spent with my deceased father and grandmother. I’m overcome by feelings of great joy!
But inside, simultaneously, I’m shedding tears of anguish.
I know I can never get those days back. I’ve even considered seeing a therapist to help better cope with these emotions.
But after counsel (from my wife), I’ve learned to focus on creating new memories. This is especially true with my daughters.
Currently, my 9th grade daughter has 3 – 4 “6am practices” per week. Instead of bickering and being upset about getting up at 4:45am on those days, I’m treasuring these times. Before long, I’ll be reminiscing about this.
Moral to the story, it’s great to think about great past days! But at the same time, you have an opportunity to create present-day, beautiful memories. These memories may be just as emotionally impactful as the good ‘ole days.
Embrace each day and live life to the fullest!